How Home Care Management Software Can Help You Deliver More Empathetic Support

Caoimhe Walsh

Written on 20 August, 2024
Delivered with compassion and empathy, it can make an incredible difference to a person’s quality of life. Yet often, the quality of support a person receives comes down to the systems in place to support them.

Home care management software, in particular, can improve the quality of support you provide while also helping clients and their loved ones to feel involved and listened to. 

A Client-Centric Approach

The right home care management software will enable you to adopt a human-focused approach that focuses on each client’s individual needs and wants.

When onboarding new clients, you can create a detailed care plan for them. Depending on the client’s needs, you can also schedule multiple caregivers. In turn, this will facilitate more customised and comprehensive support.

Home care management software can also help you set and track goals, along with strategies for achieving them. This can help keep a clients’ objectives front and centre and make their progress visible. In turn, this can empower clients and encourage them to celebrate their successes.

Ensure Caregivers Have All the Information They Need 

To provide the best possible home care support, staff members need to be kept informed. Whether it’s insights into the client’s emotional state at the weekend or information on how their last physiotherapy session went, this information can help support workers make the best possible decisions for their client’s wellbeing.

With home care management software, caregiver staff members can create care notes on the go. They won’t need to type up their notes later that week; instead, they can just upload a voice recording while still on shift. This will help keep the entire team up to date on the client’s developing condition and needs. 

Thanks to software with mobile apps for staff, important documentation can also be accessed on the go, from care plans and allergy updates to support schedules and progress updates. This will allow caregivers to quickly look details up and adapt better to unexpected situations, from minor injuries to the client being more stressed or anxious than usual.

No matter how many caregivers a client has been assigned, they will still receive cohesive and well-rounded home care support. Meanwhile, your staff member’s decisions will be based on understanding all aspects of the client’s needs and the services they are receiving.

Involve Family and Friends

Friends and family members can become concerned about a client’s health and wellbeing, and keeping them up to date can provide peace of mind. Plus, loved ones often play an important role in a client’s support. Their involvement can greatly improve the client’s quality of life and help them achieve their goals. 

With home care management software, it’s easy to involve a client’s friends and family members while still respecting their privacy. Depending on the client’s preferences, users can access care plans and schedules, billing information, progress updates and more.

You can also set it so that users receive alerts when the client’s documents are about to expire, allowing them to upload new documents in time for services to continue. Plus, they can request additional services and share valuable information with you about the client’s wellbeing.

For some clients, this will be an invaluable tool as their friends and family members help them navigate their care plan and make appropriate decisions.

Where you share progress updates with users, you can also upload photos and other media. As well as putting friends’ and family members’ minds at rest, these updates can be helpful for clients with communication disabilities. They can help facilitate conversations and support the client in interacting with the people around them.

Home care management software can help both the client and their loved ones to feel empowered and listened to, understand the details of the services being provided, and speak up when something is needed.

Provide Empathetic Support with ShiftCare’s Home Care Management Software

Running a home care business can be challenging. There’s so much to stay on top of - from profit levels to staff maintenance - and that’s before you even get to providing disability support.

Here at ShiftCare, we help take care of the admin and processes, so you can focus on what’s important: providing compassionate, high-quality support that improves the quality of life of clients.

Our software will help you manage everything from scheduling to invoicing. It integrates with your accounting and payroll software, has clock-in and clock-out functions, and will allow you to track certifications and other important documents for clients and staff alike.

What’s more, it has a wide range of features to help you provide empathetic and human-centric home care support. Fund management and goal tracking will help you focus on each client’s individual needs and aims. Document uploads, care notes and the caregiver mobile app for staff members will ensure your team is equipped to give the best possible disability support. 

The ShiftCare Connect app, meanwhile, will help keep friends and family up-to-date and involved. You can create multiple logins with different levels of access so loved ones can better understand what services the client is receiving. Sharing updates to the caregiver app will allow them to also support the client and celebrate their progress.

Try ShiftCare for free today to see how it can help you provide empathetic and high-quality disability support.

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