Managing Client Funds in ShiftCare

Streamed 6 months ago - 22m
Find out everything you need to know related to fund management with ShiftCare.

In this live session, we'll cover:

  • Adding client funds

  • Assigning funds to a shift

  • Using multiple funds in the same shift

  • What happens when a shift is cancelled

  • How funds are drawn down (Client billing report)

Andrew: Thanks for joining us for the live webinar on managing client funds in ShiftCare. My name is Andrew Lee. I'm the Customer Success Manager at ShiftCare. Uh, with me today, I've got Sissy Qin, our Marketing Assistant, Cecile Caminade, our Head of Marketing, and Ian is our Head of Customer Support, who's going to be taking us through the live demo of this webinar. Today we'll be covering, uh, how to add flight funds to shifts and usually multiple funds within the same shift, as well as viewing client funds in the billing report within ShiftCare. So I'll just move on to the next slide. Here we go.

So a bit of housekeeping. If you have any questions throughout the webinar, just use the Q&A button down the bottom of the Zoom bar. Uh, and our team will be able to answer the questions for. Uh, as we go, we'll also have a live Q&A session at the end of the webinar to take you through any questions that you might have that you want to ask, uh, before we begin, uh, if any of you are new to ShiftCare, welcome, uh, just wanted to run you through quickly.

Some of the support that you can get from ShiftCare, uh, when you log into ShiftCare we've got really great online chat. Uh, so when you're logged in, you'll see the little blue button down the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, that it can be used to chat to our support team. So you can ask any quick.

Uh, in a lot chat environment and L out to be able to help you out with any questions that you might have, uh, in real time, we've also got a great collection of videos on our YouTube learning center. If you Google ShiftCare YouTube, you'll be able to have a look at the videos that we've produced and take a look at the previous webinars.

We've also done in the past as well. We've also got a comprehensive range of helps and articles available as well. If you can head over to, uh, help doc, uh, just search for the article that you're looking for. And, uh, the articles are really good. They're quite comprehensive and take you through step-by-step to help you get through, uh, any issues you might be having.

And you can use that in conjunction with our, um, online chat as well with it. Okay, so this is getting to fund management. So fund management allows you to keep track of your client budget by allocating customized fund pools, to a shift and ultimately help you plan, forecast and budget your clients spend.

But against the supports, you're providing your clients. So ShiftCare helps you do this by drawing down on the NDIS pricing, that's been attached to the shift. So there's no longer any need to figure out the dates the times or the NDIS reference number. So ShiftCare is going to automatically calculate these costs for you and deduct them from your funds that you set up within the client profiles.

So to better explain that I'll pass you over to Ian and Ian is going to run us through a live demo. Of funds management within ShiftCare.

Ian: Thanks for the introduction. I'll share my screen. So here, we've got a client Hillary, as an example, um, we've created Hillary's profile. We haven't yet set a default price for her. So I'll just do that now. Um, and this is picking from the prices that we've already loaded. Um, And the price has paid.

So having added that, it means when I create a shift for that plan, um, that price will be the first price it's picked. And then you and the shift, you can change that price. So Hilary doesn't have any funds at the moment. Not a fund would ask you for some name, but that can be, um, it's a free text field. So anything that makes sense for you and your team who will be, um, using this example, and you create a start date and an end date that would more often than not line up with. When the funds are due to what the client has funding for and it asks you for an amount, let's just say number in there. If you take default, this is the fund that's picked by. Um, Within this, when you create the shift, um, if you leave it open that allows you to, uh, between different funds.

So if I create the activities as one fund and another fund that's. Uh, if you create a fund with an expiry date, um, you can create a from, with an expire date before the current date and. And, you know, into the future, if you'll fund, if you, if your fund expires and you can't select it. So, um, you can't assign it to a shift from that point forward. So let's say my expiry date was today. Um, today would be the last day. I can select that fund against the shift.

So now we've got two, two types of funds for the, um, for the client. If I, um, if I was to click view balance, that's a wonderful one off balance. Um, recently signed any shifts to these funds. Um, there'll be exactly this there now. So I go into the client's calendar. I'm going to create, um, a reoccurring shift.

Let's say. And as I, as I create the shift failure rate for my price book, which I can change and the font type I can select.

So I'm going to set this to a weekly shift from Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's going to be a two hour shift from eight till 10, and I'll set it to expire. Uh, the percentile were found expanse for good. They climbed expires when I hit save. The system goes in, forgotten to, um, we'll do that well there that doesn't fit the funding.

Better to have a green shift, because it does also impact our ability to create new invoice. Um, now that we've got that set up, if I go back into, back into Hillary's funds, now this takes me through to Hillary's billing report. Um, and that's way up probably 10 range.

Um, I'll just check that price. Um, from the billing report, I can set that. Um, the self care fund, then that's going to show me all the shifts that Hillary has. If, for example, um, Hillary had some other shifts, um, when using a fund, another price we'll have that repeating Wednesday every week into the future.

And I go back to the billing report. Um, I can see those, those shifts haven't gone, um, funds attached to them. Um, there's no running total. I can drill down into self-care. Um, I could change that to let's say, if I go back, I can change the shift. I can use the daily activities fund. Say. Staff?

No I'm saying running total two separate funds, the self-care and the daily activities like flick between the two. And as you can see, um, the pricing for this shift is, uh, $57, 10, two hours. Um, so totaling up. As time passes, the fund is deducted against mass or the cost of the shift is deducted from the fund.

Um, I can move forward in time and, um, and stay, um, where, where that, where that running total comes to. Um, that's useful to keep an eye on, um, where the funds will be at the end of, um, Uh, in the expiry. So in this situation, there's this additional funds available. We, um, that would potentially indicate that the client has, uh, could have additional services provided.

Um, and you can do the same thing for daily activities, crosscheck bones, um, under the client's details. Now, if I go to. Hit my, um, my balance. It goes through calculates the balance as of today. Um, whereas going through the client billing report, um, you can then use that to predict in the future where the funds, where the funds are sitting, um, if for a job where you need to make any changes, um, for example, to the amounts, um, Just chance that we can do that.

Um, and you can make changes, um, and remove funds right up until the point where you've in, uh, invoice shifts. So at this stage, the funds are just assigned to the shift. Um, if I was to go ahead and, um, invoice lists now, um, then I wouldn't be able to. To remove that fund. I'd have to avoid the invoice, which would free up the shift, uh, and then also free up to the fund to be removed.

So, um, now that I've created an invoice, I can also submit the invoice to be paid, um, by the fan. So, um, within shift care, if you're not using your own accounting software to manage, um, the payments marking and shifts as PA uh, invoices as paid, um, then you can also, you can use ShiftCare to, to mark invoices as paid.

So an example of that might be that. Your, your marketing here as it's being paid, or, um, if you've been paid at a glance, you don't have a reference number. Um, and you can set when that, um, prepayment occurred, or if you've got the funds sitting with the client, you can pay with funds, take the self care funds from.

So assign that from self care farm. I guess the important thing here is that, um, whilst I have marked pieces again, using the fund against the invoice, that's for the purposes of marketing invoices paid, the fund is really been associated with the shift. So, um, at this point, You know, the running title is, or already occurred, occurred.

The deductions happened. Um, this is for marking the invoices paid if you've done that. Um, and let's say just as a mistake, you've picked the wrong fund. You can delete that payment. Um, it's marked in the history. Um, Change that up and, uh, and select the other farm. Now, it hasn't allowed me to select an alternative fund.

Um, and that's primarily because initiative of a site and that, that fund to that shift. Um, if I hadn't already assigned this one to the shift, then I'd have the option of, uh, The other reason other fund I've created here, um, good day activities. Uh, another common scenario is, um, clients have funding for different services on the same shift, um, or you might be providing different services on the same shift and there's multiple funding.

So you can do that by adding the shift and going into advanced. So here, um, I might set the. So the shift around for three hours, I'm going say that, um, the first part of the shift is assistance for self-care. I can split that, um, and add another, um, that's gonna be assigned to self first part, the shift assigned to self care.

The second part daily activities. Um, Sort of show before, um, you can, the running total will be deducted in the billing report. Um, and we'll say that the time of invoicing, once you've invoiced, you can mark that, um, the invoices paid against that fund.

So those are the, uh, different situations too, you can use the funds in. If I go, um, into Hillary's details, the, um, the system, for example, now we have that fund, as I mentioned, you can go back through, uh, void the invoice in. Um, you can continue to add multiple funds over different timeframes. You can flip between hours or, you know, if there's hours associated with that.

Um, but primarily people are using the, um, the client's billing report. And viewing them running totals there. Um, you can use the funds to separate shifts. So this is now showing you all of my, all of the clients, help self care funds. I can select all of those, create an invoice for that. Um, and then for example, if you've got a plan manager that's paying for the self care funds, um, and you want to invoice them.

You can use that if you, and then for example, if the client's self-funded, um, my switching to the other fund, um, that'll pick up any shifts that have been assigned that fund, and then you can select those to invoice the client separately.

That's, um, that's all we have to show you in terms of funds. Um, it is possible. For example, if I flipped back to self, like the self care funds, where I've got some shifts, you can print that list, um, or download it as a father, like an Excel. Um, you can email this to the client as well. So, um, Yes provides, uh, by email, this list is bright down a list of shifts.

Now we might open the floor to some questions at this point. Um,

Andrew: Yeah, I've, I've answered a few already. It's all right. During the call. Um, if anyone has any questions on funding or any other questions on ShiftCare while we're here, um, feel free to ask us just a short webinar today. So, uh, we'll open the floor if anyone has any questions on anything, else should care related.

Happy to answer those now. Uh, otherwise we can wrap things up and, um, Yeah, go from there.

Ian: Maybe a people were ready for an early lunch.

Andrew: It looks good. I think we've, uh, we've answered most of those already, so that sounds good. All right. Um, I will, I actually Jesse's asked the question. Um, Jesse is looking for features that suit HCP.

Ian: Jesse, could you expand on that? So I just-

Andrew: Trying to get home package, aged care home package,

Ian: For most of our customers who are providing, um, ACP, um, Doing in order to provide those statements and monthly statements, um, is creating the invoices here in ShiftCare, exporting those, um, to their PA, um, accounting software and then using the accounting software to, um, to produce those running statements.

So for example, uh, very briefly. Creating an invoice here. Um, you can go to invoice and Generac, um, and this picks up all the shifts that someone's had in that timeframe. Um, I can select that I can select or one or two people, um, viewing the report, takes me back to that client breakdown. Um, I click generate, that's going to pull together the invoices for that person.

Um, Once that's created plugging into my invoice list and I can export the invoices to, um, you know, different platforms, QuickBooks, um, or the, um, bulk class and the IFR here. Um, but for accounting will be one of these. Primarily then you're exporting that invoice from into your accounting software. Um, and that should be able to provide you with the running, running monthly statement.

Andrew: Uh, there was a follow-up there in, um, could you use the financial tracking to track government subsidies and the consumer contribution?

Ian: Yeah, I guess in a similar way to, if you, if, I guess if you've got the consumer contribution already, uh, or you know what that is, you could use the farmers, um, an amount and then you can, um, you can put that in the system, um, as a, as an amount of that fund, um, And then you sat to track the, like the services against that.

Andrew: Thanks Ian. Very much for that. Uh, really appreciate it. Um, I will wrap up things by letting you know that we've got an upcoming webinar on timesheets coming soon. Um, ShiftCare is about to update the timesheet format, um, within the interface. Once that's ready and up and running. We'll take you through the new timesheet format, including exporting it, payroll to your accounting packages, going through a timesheet approval, changing shifts and invoices, and how to auto-approve timesheets and set the time threshold.

So join us for that webinar. That's coming up soon and we'll let you know via email when that is coming up. And we'll see you again soon. Thanks very much everyone for joining us today.

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