Getting Started with ShiftCare

Streamed 3 years ago - 30m
Get briefed on the 7 steps to successfully get you started and see how it all comes together with a live demonstration of ShiftCare.

In this live session, we'll cover:

  • Add & manage your staff and clients

  • Customise & upload progress notes

  • Create & schedule shifts

  • Connect payroll & create your first invoice

Andrew: Welcome to our live webinar on getting started with ShiftCare. My name's Andrew Lee, and I've got with me, uh, Head of Customer Support, uh, Cecile, our Head of Marketing's with us as well. Uh, Sissy's here, our Marketing Assistant. And today we're just going to, uh, get you started with, uh, how ShiftCare works. I'll give you a bit of an introduction to some of the setup stages, uh, where to find some online reasons.

As far as our online support chat goes and YouTube channel. And then Ian's going to give you a lot of demonstration. So it's sort of going to split it up into two parts. I'll just take you through the introduction to begin with, and then we'll do the live demonstration after that. Let's get started with some housekeeping.

Um, we've put a poll going at the moment. If you wanted to jump on the poll and just answer some of those questions, that'd be fantastic. If you have any questions during the webinar, just use the Q&A button down the bottom of the zoom bar. Um, we don't really monitor the chat side of things. So if you do have any questions, just answer or ask the questions through Q and a and our team will answer that during the session and.

We'll have a live Q&A afterward as well. So if we don't get to your questions during, um, in the webinar, we'll answer them later on at the end. So let's get started with ShiftCare. So, um, I do a lot of onboarding with customers and a few customers sort of jumped straight into ShiftCare and stop doing their rostering, um, which can be a little bit problematic down the track because there's certain things you need to set up before you get into.

Doing the rostering and invoicing and time sheets. So there's a few foundational steps you need to complete and that's listed here. So I'm just going to go through these this afternoon and just show you what I think the steps would be for a successful implementation of ShiftCare. So the first step would be, um, to set up your staff, pay groups, and allowances.

So staff pay groups and allowances, uh, basically what you're paying your staff. So in your accounting package, you might be using Xero or QuickBooks, for example, and you'd have your pay groups set up there already. So you might have different levels of pay groups for different staff members and those staff members would be assigned to different pay groups, uh, within ShiftCare.

We then set those pay groups. Uh, as well as the allowances that you're going to pay your staff and we can synchronize all of that, um, those times and pay groups over into your accounting package. Once your rosters have been completed. Secondly, uh, you need to import your pricing into ShiftCare as well.

So with the NDIS pricing, we've got the complete collection of pricing available from the NDIS. You can also set up your own pricing as well. So if you want to do custom pricing for support outside of the NDIS, Uh, ShiftCare also lets you import your own pricing and custom pricing as well. So once you've imported your pricing, shit, Sheetka will manage everything else for you.

So the dates, the times the reference numbers and the rates, that's all going to be managed for you when it comes to doing the rostering and scheduling. So you don't longer have. Remember what support number you're using for your shifts? Uh, or worry about the hourly rate that you're charging, because ShiftCare, we'll be working that out in the background for you as you're doing your scheduling and rostering.

Thirdly, uh, we would start creating staff profiles and client profiles. So within ShiftCare, you can upload all of your client details, including that documents any funds they might be using. Uh, you can assign them different client profiles and you can also add default price books. So just over here on the right-hand side you've but default price book.

So having set those price books up in those previous steps. You can then attach those, those price books to the client profile in this particular step. Um, if you hadn't got your price books important already, you'd just have to come back into here and, uh, reapply the price book to the client profile. So, um, doing those steps in that order, just sort of prevents you from having to come backwards and forwards and, and, uh, repeating different steps as you go along with the, um, This is the client profile.

There's a same sort of profile for staff where it allows you to upload, uh, things like compliance documents and police checks. Um, a and we'll take you through some of that in the live demonstration coming up. Uh, then we move on to scheduling and rostering shifts. So once you've got all of those found out foundation pieces are set up in ShiftCare, you can then start rostering.

Cause you've given then got your, um, your staff, your clients, or the pricing's done all the time. She information's in place. So as you're doing your rostering ShiftCare will be working in the background to do all of those calculations for you around, uh, client billing, pricing, and your time sheet information as well.

At this point, you might want to introduce the ShiftCare mobile app to your staff. So the ShiftCare mobile app is something that the all staff would take into the field with them. Um, it allows them to clock in and clock out. Clock out of shifts, uh, shows them information about clients, uh, client profiles and documents, and also allows them to add notes to the ShiftCare app as well.

As soon as the staff. Um, added notes or anything to the shift, that's automatically ported into ShiftCare as well. So you can actually see, uh, immediately when our notes are added into ShiftCare via the mobile app for your staff, ah, the sixth step would be generating time sheets. So once you've done your rostering, your staff were clocked in and clocked out of their shift.

Um, they timesheets are automatically generated for you. So it's just a. Uh, going through reviewing the time sheets and approving those time sheets. And then you can export those out into your accounting package. Uh, if you're using Xero, we sync directly into Xero as well. So your time sheets are sync directly across for you fairly quickly.

And the seventh step, uh, is invoicing. So invoicing, as I mentioned before, all that pricing that you've done and set up in the past, uh, has been automatically calculated for you. So there's done each worry about, um, what reference numbers we use for the supports. A shift has worked all that out for you and we'll generate the invoices based on, uh, the week or the month that you're doing your invoicing for.

Uh, again, that can then be exported out into your accounting package. And basically invoicing probably should take about 15, 20 minutes a week to do after all that set up. As far as support goes. Uh, if you do get stuck with anything along the way, we've got excellent. Our live chat support in ShiftCare.

When you log in down the bottom left-hand corner, you'll see the chat icon, and you can just click on the chat icon and ask our team a question, um, where there most business hours between about eight, till about six o'clock at night. Um, Eastern time just to cover Perth in New Zealand. So, if you do have any issues or you've got any questions, please use that chat.

Um, it's really great support and our team will be able to answer any questions that you might have. Secondly, we bought a whole lot of videos on our YouTube learning center. If you Google search ShiftCare YouTube, um, you'll get the link to our learning center and the learning centers contains a whole lot of videos on our past webinars and some short snippets on how to do particular things within ShiftCare.

And lastly, we've got a great collection of help articles online as well. If you go to, that will show you all of our help articles. You can search for particular keywords and the help articles are quite comprehensive. They take you through step-by-step what you need to do to get things done within ShiftCare.

And I'll help this stuff might actually send you some of these articles as well, just to help you through, um, to get you buy. So got a lot of resources for you to get you up and running with ShiftCare. And obviously if you do need support, just reach out to us via the chat channel. Um, that's it from me.

I'm going to pass over to Ian and Ian is going to kick off the live demo for us.

Ian: Great. Thanks Andrew. Stop. Share my screen.

Cecile: Andrew, there was one question from Lauren. Do you want to take the question now? You want to wait for after? Okay, so I'm sorry. So the question from Lauren is, is there a way that the staff can see all the notes for a client?

Andrew: Yeah, there is. So, um, she can't give you the option to share progress notes with staff members.

So if you do rusty staff members on to a particular client, uh, you can give them the ability to read all the previous case notes or progress notes to that client. Um, so that's, that's an optional, um, feature you can switch on or off based on the client. So you might have some clients where you don't want to share those progress notes.

Uh, and there's an option to turn it on so that the, um, the staff can read the progress notes and things. So I think they might be able to show you that in the demo here.

Ian: Yeah. Let's just jump straight back. I'll um, switch my V to clients and clients on the left hand side, as opposed to the staff. Um, and if I go into agent's details page, we'll see, on the right hand side, um, the option to share progress notes, um, That's on by default.

Uh, if I was to turn that off like that, that means now that, um, any staff members assigned to Aiden wouldn't see historic, uh, progress notes, um, or future ones. So to share, we just ensure that that's taped. Okay.

I'll just run through Andrew's steps, um, one of the first steps was to add, uh, pay grit. My standing on the left hand side and the account settings, uh, here, we've got different examples of by their, um, levels of skills or different skillsets entirely.

Um, and we're saying for the different times of the day, where. What were those groupings? So for example, um, uh, morning midnight to 6:00 AM, uh, three hours, eight til 12 evening. Um, and depending which payroll system you use, that's an account settings. So, um, I have a ton of attendance. Um, I selected deep.

You may select whichever relevant payroll software use. I've changed that it's given me zero options. I can sink to zero and marry up those payroll earnings rates and zero with the pay items, hearing ShiftCare.. We also have, uh, allowances. So those are additional. I turned on, on top of standard earning rights.

And they might be for things such as sleep overs, for example, where it's a fixed fee for the night or alternatively mileage. Um, if those are attached to the shift and their staff member claims mileage, then we'll report those through to the payroll system. If the mileage, for example, is it an attached.

And we don't, then that's not the Poti to payroll system that can be used. For example, if someone's got a Papillon car they're taking the car, now you want to charge the con for that distance speed. I want to charge the staff, pay the staff, um, running into, uh, prices is the next thing to light up. So, um, within your account, you can input prices.

Um, I'm running through, we've got the different options with, um, the categories zero one to zero four, seven to 15 in, um, in group them together. And then you can search, um, on a term or search for a reference code and.

At, and that's going to allow that nail into my prices. So I don't end up with, um, all of the options, just a limited selection there. Um, so, so when you're selecting prices to wait for, um, number of services with Chandra, then you can also add customer prices. So having the price. Um, give me your name and then, um, what we'll say is different times and insect the different rates.

Um, maybe all from pricing, probably time to add a client. So you're, cloud-based hence all the client information, the contact details, the default price to them charged. Well, I add a client from here. Um, the system asks for a first name and last name and a display name. So, um, you know, uh, let's say.

You'll notice as I typed the address, it's not sports I can printing. Um, I can hit save then that. So bill here, um, with starting a profile, would you set up default price for bill in this case? Uh, daily activities is selected, but you can switch that up today. Any other price? That means, um, when you add a shift for bill, it's automatically going to populate the price with his, um, with the full price, but you can select any other prices in blinded.

Um, and it's also populated with the address. So it's taken his address and it's assuming it's coming the highway service as well as that. Um, if you're doing both claims through product, Yeah. You put an insert in NDIA number in the NDI number field. Um, that means any invoices generated when, uh, when you do export, um, that rate, uh, they'll be, they'll be included that if you don't want them in the protocol, um, just put the reference field for that.

Um, in terms of. Uh, some of the other features for at home, you can upload the photo, attached that to the client, um, documents, for example, you can add in there, I click view all that takes me to the documents tab, and then, um,

I can upload documents to the profile. And then for example, if this. This was to expire. I could set an expiry date so that I can say whether or not that's visible to the staff to say, and that's only the staff members who are assigned to that, kind of save that. And then we can set a document category.

So the care comes later with that a long list of different document types. You can. Uh, slept any one you could also add to that list. So back onto the accounts settings, we've got all of our client documents and you can add to those the next time I get back here that will be available to select. So the, the main, uh, and as Andrew mentioned, you can do the same thing for clients as well as staff up my documents, the expired documents show under expired documents for clients, for staff members. Um, there's four key reports there, um, qualification compliance competency in case.

And that's that's listed there. Those will list the documents that have been uploaded for the cards. Sorry for the staff members. If I go into a staff member's profile in an, a person... when I, um, when I add this person, a, the system automatically sends them an email. Um, Matt email, uh, confirmed their email address exists and also contains a link to set a password for that account. So the staff member. There are hospital. Um, since this person hasn't yet set a password and logged in, um, we can resend that invite to them.

Um, alternatively, uh, very some problems getting email three. For any reason, you can reset the password and override that for the staff member and share their password. They can change their password. I guarantee their profile, their. They've got the ability to change the hospital. Of course, there's always the reset password link login screen.

Um, just the documents, uh, this page, um, as I mentioned, the documents, the compliance reports, they're all there from the staff member. Um, so I can, okay. There.

Documenting you'll stay the sanctifies. Um, for, for the staff, the main difference between staff and clients, um, the news staff members have told sheets. Um, so you've got to list all the shifts they've got and, um, you don't have the staff in times, any hours or kilometers they've, um, And then also the allowances.

So, um, the pay any additional payments can be attributed to them for a client, um, rather than have a time sheet and,

um, ships prices paid. So now that's all set up. Uh, we can jump into schedule and, um, sort of the key features here. Um, you can switch between daily and weekly then. So if I, um, today, today, um, we've got this little blue bar that runs through the day and change as you way re-uptake. Um, you can add. Uh, you can add a shift by clicking and dragging clicked at one 15 and stopped at four.

So it's created a shift for any for that timeframe. Um, if I wanted to create that shift as a repeating shift, I can say that shift should repeat every week and I'll have it run till the end of January. The system will work out that's 22 occurences, repeats weekly... another 44. You'll notice the shifts also picked up the address for the client.

You don't remember. And now what I go through my list of staff, I will say that sames booked for that time. So they're unavailable to select, but I can assign the shift to our new staff member.

And that's going to go ahead and create that repeating pattern and shifts. Um, that's the shift? Um, I can switch to say a weekly or a fortnight. Of course, you're going to put a range of shifts where it's color coding in the system. Um, agreeing shift is considered booked and good. Um, uh, an orange oil is canceled, a red ones, something needs addressing. And so in this case, the shift doesn't have a care.

I can go in assign somebody who's available. Um, okay. Let's turn green and, um, play shifts have been invoiced. Um, we cover invoicing and time sheets in my lab. Uh, webinars are, I won't go into too much detail about that. Um, and we'll say, um, with shifts, you can, uh, for example, if I switched and staff meeting, you get a phone call from, um, let's say, Carla, she can't make this shift.

So you need to reassign, you can pick it up, drag it and drop it on to the next available, you know, you're going as available. Um, And also from, uh, from the town sheets, uh, or sorry from the schedule, you can do filtering on different statuses. So you just want stay by shifts that are pending and made addressing, um, or those, you know, uh, for example, um, you can filter by shift types.

So a shift type is an account setting, um, and, uh, schedule. And you can add to that list to see as you've saved it. We can say these. I want to see all of the personal cash shifts. For example, we've got one this week happening, uh, in this example, um, let's switch. We don't want any gun. Um, so those are the main key features. You can also, for example, asset teams up for private premium subscribers, organize staff into teams, and then say, I want to say all the shifts that domestic care team are doing this week. And for example, if you've got shifts that need filling for the domestic care team, you can turn the, they can shift on, and then you can say who's available to fill.

I can shift. Um, as I did before they can drag, um, and assign those shifts different.

Um, so I think we might open the floor to some questions, um, at this stage.

Andrew: Thanks Ian. So I was madly typing that, um, Steve I've already answered this online, but, um, it might be worth, um, covering, uh, Steve's asked, does, should kit do incident reporting?

Ian: That's a good question. So, um, there are, um, when a, when a clock, when a, sorry, when a staff member at a shift notes, um, they have a slightly different place, but because it's all in the app, um, they they're able to add incidents.

Um, the prompt here that you see. Come from, um, the progress note headings. So, um, oh, progress, note headings here. Uh, um, uh, what will come up on the app as, um, fields for someone to enter? Um, we don't have the same customization for. Um, uh, sorry for incident report and notes. Um, that said it is on the roadmap, but we don't have a timeline for that.

And she had the best place for incident reports at the moment. Is to put those, uh, those forms into the document hub and the shared documents such as policies and procedure documents and that sort of thing. Um, you can upload them here and then the staff can access those on their phones as they're on the move.

Um, check, check those files.

Andrew: Thanks, Ian. Um, now the question from Mako can a client shift requests be accommodated via split shifts for staff?

Ian: Uh, yes. Um, so there's, depending on. Um, how the shift is scheduled. Uh, it might make more sense to, to create two shifts, uh, for the same client. So, um, for example, uh, Jerry and the client here, they might have, um, for example, a repeating weekday shift that runs every day.

Um, And that shift might be, uh, let's say nine until midday? We'll assign a carer for that shift. So that's created shift. Um, now it's come up with a problem because I should imagine Gretchen's book if I put that. Yeah. So we're we automatically shift. Um, but just going back to the example, so I'll just use the copy feature. Probably the existing settings. Now, my shift is going to pick up as partner split from say 3:00 PM straight till seven.

Um, it's copied all the other settings. Um, um, it's. The second staff member. Um, so, so now you've got two separate shifts and the other way to do that, um, would be to create the shift and use advanced at it. So here we've got, um, we might put Emily down to, down on the same shift. Um, As this shift for samples to, to run through, to settle him, um, we're uptight or rat, uh, you can use the split feature to charge different prices for the same.

Um, I'm every time that it split the system trust halfway. So that might want to adjust that, say if it's an hour that's, uh, assistant supported in independent living and the reminder being assistance with self-care, you can, um, so that's what two staff members on the same shift, um, because I've changed the shift time.

We've saying that they, um, Emily's booked. So now we can just switch that out to some other scenarios.

Andrew: Um, that'll finish this up for today. Uh, thank you very much, everyone for joining us. Uh, any questions we haven't had? Uh, in the Q and a, we will, um, respond to you, uh, after the webinar's finished. And we'll get a recording of this out to you this afternoon. We'll have it on our YouTube channel as well.

Our next webinar is on November 16th. There'll be on time sheets. So I will send out invitations for that, um, very soon. And we look forward to seeing you again then, Cecile and Sissy, and thank you very much for joining us today. Thanks to everyone.

Ian: Thank you.

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