In this live session, we'll cover:
Fixed pricing
Community Access
Client / staff profile for accommodation
Allowance solution for long shifts
Andrew: Hi, everybody. Welcome to our live women out on scheduling 24 hour shifts and short-term accommodation. Um, thanks everyone for doing our poll. I'll just quickly show you, uh, the results here. So it looks like a bit of a 50 50 mix, um, regarding, uh, who's frustrating, 24 hour shifts, short term accommodation and across different pay boundaries.
So hopefully we'll answer all your questions today during our session. Um, so thanks very much for completing that poll for us. Um, today we've got with us signal coming out of our head of marketing and CC queen, our marketing assistant. Uh, my name's Andrew Lee. I'm the customer success manager at ShiftCare and doing our webinars today is the industry is the head of customer support ShiftCare.
So in today's webinar, this question comes up quite a lot in our chat channel around scheduling 24 hours. And they are a little bit complicated. So we'll take you through how you do these rosters. So the short-term accommodation. Basically I'm paying the, the client and the staff members across those shifts.
So we'll go through allocating a fixed pricing to 24 hour shifts. Uh, how you manage your payroll, uh, community excess credit fund staff profiles for the accommodation side of things. Uh, how to attach allowances for longer. And we've got the Q and a session as well. Uh, going, so if you have any questions during the webinar, just shoot them through on the Q and a, uh, section, uh, down the bottom of your zoom channel.
There's a Q and a button just to probably avoid using the chat. If you can, and just use the Q and a button, leave your audio and video off. And I'll try and answer the Q and a as we go. Uh, and then we'll move over at the end of the session and we'll do a live Q and a as well at the end. Um, before we move on, I just wanted to point out we have a really good YouTube channel, uh, up and running now.
So if you want it to, um, jump onto YouTube and just search for ship care, we've got all of our, our learning center videos, as well as our previous webinars. And this webinar is being recorded and we'll have that. Um, YouTube, probably in the next two hours after this webinar is completed. If you want to just subscribe, um, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel as well, and you'll be notified whenever a new video is released.
Um, with that I'll pass over to Ian and, uh, we'll get going with the webinar. Thanks again.
Ian: Thanks everyone for making the time today. Um, I'm expecting some questions as we go along. Um, please do ask clear the Q and a, um, at the bottom of the page. And, um, if I don't cover it in the, uh, as we walk through the examples then, and I'll try and cover the, then the examples, um, for you today.
And if there are things that we can't get to, um, and we'll send you a personalized response. So. Um, I'll just start sharing my screen.
So, um, today in terms of, um, context where, um, we're assuming that you've already set up your pay groups and the pay groups define the, um, different times of the day, different rates kick in for example, um, I've got, uh, um, from six to eight today on a weekday, um, that's what perhaps considered ordinary hours.
And then from eight o'clock onwards, um, would be, um, the nightmare. Um, and you can have different groups within ShiftCare. So you've got different levels of, um, Workers on different rights. Um, then you can create different pay groups for those. I'm going to go into too much more detail about that because that's a different subject and, um, different sessions.
So, uh, along with the pay groups, we're also using allowances in the examples. Um, so allowances or things that you can add to shifts to. To, I guess, increase the pay or alter the pay outside of, um, the S the standard. So, um, typically without, uh, an allowance attached to the shift, um, the pay groups kick in, however, with some of the allowances, you can set them to override the hours.
So, um, My street, hence we'll have a sleepover, et cetera, over right hours. Um, there are a few other options when you edit that.
Um, but, you know, examples today, we'll talk about the sleepover. Um, and also, and also, um, an alternative method, uh, later on, uh, reporting hours to the payroll system. Um, these, uh, these two allowances, accommodation, um, active hours and combination sleepover.
Um, that's gonna be for our 24 hours. So, uh, allowances and painless tins or pay groups, they control what staff and paid week we've also got. Um, on the flip side, the, uh, the charges to apply, um, we've already preloaded, um, some NBIS prices. I am clicking on directions and the impor from the NDOs price guide.
Um, and here I've surfed on this TA to fine, um, the STA systems, um, and assistance, and also, um, assistance with self-care activities, even STL. So those are all preloaded, um, within the prices, there's two different types of prices. So there are, uh, fixed price prices. And so regardless of the duration of the shift, um, you're going to have in this case, a weekday on a one to one shift, and that's going to be charged $1,775.
Um, let's just fix. Whereas some of the other more commonly, um, prices are charged paragraph you've got, um, here just during the daytime $57, 10 per hour. So say to create fixed price, um, fixed price, price, uh, click on the pencil at home and just click, fixed price. Um, If I click save, throw shade, try that in the house, a per hour rate, um, asks for the time of day, this is more appropriate charges, a fixed price.
So that's, um, those are some of the prices we've set up to enable us to times. No schedule my filter down to some staff members, typically, um, sayings that you shift here, change lanes, calendar, uh, we've set up to report how many hours within each of these pay groups say? Um, a lot of people are using this method.
So for example, if you will report. Uh, the number of hours that fit within each of the different breakdowns for a pay group in this case, uh, 12 hours to fit in in the day rate to say in the night rate. And then in this case, we've got a sleep over shift and then our sleep, I have a shift. We'll save that allowance slave labor lounge is attached to that shift.
So this means because of the, override has, we're going to report to, uh, to the payroll system to pay one, sleepover allowance for that shift.
Let's just go back. Um, that'd be. For example in this, just in this example, I'm saying working 12 hours I two hours at the night, right? I guess one sleep I've relapsed through to the next day, uh, where the, uh, the morning rate kicks in for the continuation story of the night.
Right. And then, uh, back to the day to day, uh, That obviously, this is a bit of an example, uh, pause ane can't work 24 hours a day for seven days a week, but it's just a pattern of shifts where things changes when it gets to Friday. So, um, in the week, the sleepover shifts are continued on through the, through from one day to the next.
We have here, um, on Friday a break, so things, uh, so this is essentially, uh, paying Zane all of the hours up to Friday from Friday night. And then on Saturday, we're going to kick over and pick up. That is never going to work a Saturday rates and the same again on Sunday. And so it contains the hours just for Saturday and again, one to Sunday, another split so that, um, the hours reported they'd fall into the pay for the fall for the next day, but contained within that same day, otherwise.
The system is a setting on the system to pay or calculate the hours based on the start or the end time shift, more commonly it's in time. So in this case, if we were to have a sleep over shift that ran from Sunday and Monday, um, then the calculation of the hours would be done on Monday.
So. Given me awards, stipulates that you have to pay to Sunday, ride for hours on the Sunday.
And this is where the weekday pattern breaks down. And you just constrain the shift into that pay. So that's one more method, obviously, a lot of shifts to have to manage. Um, and the staff member sees a lot of shifts. There is an alternative to this, um, For example here, CC has been assigned a 9:00 AM to 9:00 AM shift or night shift, um, because of the shift type it's gone from the, the Monday into the Tuesday, um, for the total of four hours.
And we can see here, the schedule time is calculated as 24 hours. If I go into advanced. When we look at the allowances, the, uh, the allowances here, or for 16 hours, active hours, eight hours sleeping. So we have here just a reminder of the allowances, which set up, um, the system's going to report 16 hours, um, to the payroll system and one sleep over allowance to cover that at eight hours.
Um, you know, or assuming an inactive sleep, I, or potentially an active sleepover, depending on how you, how you configure that. Um, but it's using these, these allowances that are set to override the hours. Um, so the system doesn't look at these pay groups instead, it's purely looking at the, the, the allowance and reporting these values, in the payroll system.
So the benefit. Yes, rather than having lots of shifts that are broken up, we're able to use your lands to, um, to correct, to override that breakup and just create one, one shift that spans the whole time.
Yeah. From a staff member's point of view. I see the one shift from your scheduling team's point of view. They're able to create a single shift rather than, um, the multiple shifts in Jane's example. And so that might be an alternative method to scheduling. Um, I'm running the payroll for most people. Uh, you know, if it does run over multiple pay boundaries, In terms of charging the client, um, there is under advanced at it, the ability to split that time.
So if you did want to charge different rates, uh, for, for different parts of that shift, you can use is the split pair to, to apply different prices to that shift.
So, um, so that's option 2. To either breakup a long shift or alternatively correct long shifts and a report, different rates, the payroll system before I moved on to the sales section. And I'll just take, um, sec and Zane out of that, uh, Sheffield, just to clean that up a bit. So, um, here, we've got, uh, Uh, an example where, um, we've got a client or a client and a staff member is named after an accommodation.
So, um, in this case, Jenny is our, our client is attending MITRE street for three nights, 24 hours. Uh, again, we've used. Night shift, shift type. Um, we could use the sleepover shift type as well to tell the system that, um, the shift starts on one day finishes the next. Um, well, our pattern was, um, there was Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday repeating.
So in this example, we've, we've scheduled Jenny, the client with, uh, MITRE street staff member. We've got, um, mitis street set up as a no access, um, staff member. That means that, um, the staff member doesn't count towards your license costs. And also, um, you can double book these now, these clients or these staff members, sorry.
Whereas typically you're not able to double book her staff. So that can happen. That can come in useful when you've got multiple clients attending, um, attending the combination.
So just to, um, talk a bit more about the price, say sta and assistance in response, because we are, um, we've got a fixed price here. This means for every day that. Then we are example client attends to shift attends the accommodation. The pricing will charge $1,775. Um, when it comes to journey also doing, uh, let's say, um, some access community activities, and we've set Marcus up here, the staff member with the client.
Um, Ms. Just is a repeating shift for the time our clients attending the accommodation. We've got, uh, a one-to-one shift with, uh, Jenny and Marcus and we are using this assistance with self-care activities, that's that's priced at her, um, 57 pen around. So for those items, Jenny's also in the, in the community with Marcus and she's being charged the three hours at the 57, 10 on top of the, um, STA price.
Well, and Marcus is in this example, Marcus is our, um, is our person that comes to the home and takes climate. Um, we might also have some other clients who are staying in the accommodation, um, not necessarily doing, accessing the community activities. So for that, from that point of view, we, um, we're actually, we've set up another client who, of MITRE street and that client, um, Mr.
Um, it might help to put the sill combination is the you the accommodation adjust as the address so that when you're creating the shifts. So, um, that's populated in the shift now. Um, in our example, we've got, uh, Gretchen working during the day, um, and Gretchen has to have a full week from nine till nine.
And it's a standard shift. So, um, it doesn't fall across to the next day. Uh, whereas, uh, Emily, um, is doing the, the night shift for example, and she's going to run from 9:00 PM to 9:00 AM her shift, and again, reviews the night shift shift type so that it just won't cross. Um, this means that both Gretchen and Emily know.
The times of their shifts that they can attend the accommodation. Um, and they're able to, uh, say that from the app, um, being very apparent. We've just got the one block of shifts. Um, in this case we have, uh, with assigned a price to the shift, but we won't actually be billing this time. Any billing would, um, would be attribute.
To, uh, to Jenny or, um, directly through the, uh, through the stop, you know, through this either list, um, combination 24 hour shift, or alternatively, they, um, let's use going out into community, this hourly rate charge. So that is the difference between scenarios for, invoicing. The clients who are attending a combination, you also, um, had a, um, tell the staff which shifts they have for that accommodation, obviously with more clients attending, uh, you can, uh, uh, additional clients.
So the accommodation and, um, and if they're doing one more one-to-one shifts with other staff members, uh, then you create the shift as normal. Um, so, so really the key is, um, rather than having... shift's journey, the 24 hours attached to Marcus staff member. We're creating an alternative staff member. It has the, that's a shift assigned to them cause they're running 24 hours.
And then, um, the set in reverse for the client, uh, we created a client and after this. After the sorry, after the accommodation, so that, um, the staff members where they're attending.
So those are all different scenarios. I'm sure there are others. Um, people have questions about, and we certainly love to hear examples and questions. It doesn't look like anyone's asked in questions out here, but please pipe in through the, um, the Q&A at the bottom of the page. And, um, we'll be able to run through those examples and, um, and give you some real, real life, uh, scheduling examples aside from these ones.
Oh, Tara has got a question.
Um, a question about how does this allow for NDIS audit satisfaction. If we still have this name, um, after the accommodation for the client. Um, I'm assuming there, the questions not necessarily about, um, invoicing is more to do with, uh, notes for the client and, um, progressing, I suppose. So from that perspective, um, you've still got the option of having notes attached to, um, The shifts that the staff member client are doing.
Um, and obviously they get fed into the, uh, the communication history for that client. There's also, um, from, let's say the perspective of, um, Emily old Christian, who is attending to the client there. Um, you have the option, um, you can add. The client into that shift. Um, alternatively, uh, instead of that, you can, um, set these, you can use the kiosk user mode.
Um, the user can say that all the shifts in a re in, uh, in the schedule in the Rhode Island, uh, view the calendar and then add notes to that as well.
I don't know that... we might take that, uh, offline. Um, Lauren's asking about, um, the pay items and not sinking through to, um, not singing through to a zero correctly. Um, Well, it might be more to do with connecting, uh, pay items here in the, in the system. Um, if you go to actions and sync the last year to log in to 0, 0, 10 ShiftCare, um, the list of earnings rights we have set up, um, you can then align those up, um, from the different rates.
Um, And that's perhaps the problem, but I'll make notes. Come back to you on that. Um, after this, uh, so Rita's asked how to do, how to roster 12 or 24 hour shifts. Um, we took that on, so it would probably be more, uh, I think that's covered by, uh, Shane. Option here for a CC. So we've got a 24 hour shift. Um, the same sort of principle applies, um, suggesting to use the allowances of, um, 16 right hours, um, to report for you to the payroll system for years told that the 16 hours or eight hours.
Um, so you can change that.
Michelle and in July we would like to sleep by about four 30 to seven, uh, paid six hours, personal allowance. And so, um, to do that, uh, would be a similar thing. So, um, When you see the guy and create a shift, uh, um, pick a climb. So running from so 4:30 PM to 7:00 AM. Um, now again, because of the shift, um, we'll have to pick a sleep over or not shift shift on.
Um, and, um, so that the. The system lets you create a shift that finishes. So now that we've got that we'd want to apply, um, of either um, so six and a half active or uh, plus inactive. And so, um, let's just say we're quite new. So this is our active, uh, we're going to override the. And we're going to put another... I need to start to change the active 6.5 value to 6.5 on the value section.
Yeah. Thanks Andrew. What I was thinking, um, is we'd use a zero to pick that up. Um, so we're just, w we're in this case, we're reporting. Um, one of these allowances and then, um, in zero settings, for example, uh, um, I asked, uh, settings in zero and then, um, well it's payroll system. And then pile items tab, um, week zero screen.
We'll call that an act today. Uh, and this is where we get to set, um, how much is paid. Um, and then we would, um, We would sync to Xero, pick up ordinary time earnings and connect that through. Um, yeah, mostly if I can get my assets. Um, so what I would be doing, um, is doing that connection to zero picking up the new earnings. Right. I've just created and matching that up with, with that, um, with that right there.
And then in my, um, back refresh, now that I've created test allowances, I can go into the system and pick up that active six from five and net, um, to override what what's paid there. Um, just really facing the other questions. Uh, Andrew got some, um, yeah, go ahead.
The one, uh, one from Tara is interesting. When we do a two to one support, it's not coming. Cause that's something that we might actually cover off in, in support tare afterwards, if that's an invoicing issue, we'll, um, we'll contact you about that one. Lauren's asked to invoice the client in a permanent sill.
Um, can I roster the 24 hour care under the house name? So it could be sent to the plan manager for payment.
Um, oh, yes. Uh, yes, you can learn. So, um, Australia, that works being based on the, um, the client, Jenny,
Details tab. Um, and if we go into the billing report, could I just pick a date range? And we set the shifts up to run from this week. Um, we'll see that each day there's, um, this sta price, um, Repeating through. And we've also got the, um, like the three hours example, um, was, uh, was in the community and hourly charge.
So in three hours, $57 as opposed to, um, the flat rate fee. Um, now in terms of the plan manager, why just jump over to Jenny's details page. Um, January has a billing contact set up here. Um, but a person's name is your plan. Um, so that might be the material with Jenny wasn't directly paying invoices. Um, uh, what would be the billing contacts to add of.
Um, under the additional context. Um, and then at the bottom, once you've completed the details, you get slapped one billing contact with a primary contact, um, primary contact voice it's in the top of the list. Um, and the billing contact is the person who is invoiced to that client by default. So, um, let's say select all of these and pregnant invoice.
Um, The number is inclusive of tax, um, select that option to the T. So this plant manager all the time. Um,
and then when I create that, I'm going to say that it's directed to the plan manager. Um, we've got the, uh, the STA, um, as the painting through. Um, and then, um, Lauren, you've got built actually once the invoices are created in go to the most list page, um, filter down issued, um, today. So this is our invoice. Um, we can. You can open that invoice, email it from ShiftCare that what's more common is people downloading, uh, the invoice to their accounting package or alternatively, if if you're doing the bulk times, supplier export the invoices, filling in the IRS.
So I had free. Let's see, Chris Lord, was there any other questions from anyone? Have any other examples that you wanted to run?
No more. I've come through.
Um, well, thanks everyone for the questions and taking the time out, um, maybe a week to, to run through your guys' topics. Um, as Andrew mentioned, we'll put the recording on the YouTube channel, um, and we'll sign on, you know, a mixed team now locked him out. So everyone we're gonna play the link to the recording back to YouTube.
Um, If there are questions that come up after this and you make support and ship handle, um, we'll reach the team. Um, and then our next, uh, my next webinar will be on, on time sheets and we have a new time sheet for that coming out. So we'll be talking about, um, the changes. And then it will say the process of running payroll time sheet approval.
And, um, and basically I have, I needed to approving clock-in clock-out times and rejecting those and using shaky times. Um, and then what happens, uh, when staff member forgets to clock out, she was very cool.
Andrew: Thanks very much Ian, that's fantastic. Of anyone's got any questions, we've got this out online chat you can log into when you're in ShiftCare or you can reach
I will see you in November for our next session.
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