How Software for NDIS Plan Managers Can Support You

Rob Scott

Written on 19 July, 2022
NDIS plan management software can simplify your work and enable you to provide better support. Before you sign up for a package, however, it’s important to understand exactly what the software can do.

As an NDIS plan manager, you play an important role in helping participants access the support they need. You find the right providers for their needs, ensure they make the most of their funds and reduce their mental load by taking care of claims and payments.

To do your work well, you need to stay on top of numerous things: funds usage, expiry dates, multiple services and providers, NDIS claims and payout dates, communication with clients and providers, and more. It can be detail-oriented and arduous work.

Fortunately, NDIS plan management software is designed to take the headache out of this. It will give you the oversight you need to track funds usage in real-time and make the best recommendations, while also speeding up processes such as NDIS claims and monthly reports.

NDIS Funds Management Made Simpler 

Tracking funds usage and spotting over or underspending is one of the biggest responsibilities for NDIS plan managers. It can be one of the most time-consuming ones, too.

With the right software, however, the process will be quick and simple. You can forget about creating spreadsheets and cross-checking mounds of paperwork with calendars.

Software designed for NDIS funds management will help you track spending in real-time so you can make any adjustments you need. For example, ShiftCare’s NDIS software will forecast future spending based on current usage, making it easy to spot potential problems before they occur. Plus, you can set up automated alerts for overspending.

What’s more, you can input all the service details and costs into the app, so that you won’t have to worry about human error. Funds management records and forecasts will be accurate and reliable.

Accounting Integrations

ShiftCare offers seamless accounting integrations to streamline your financial processes. By connecting with popular accounting software like Xero, MYOB AccountRight, and QuickBooks, ShiftCare automates invoice generation and payroll processing.

This integration reduces administrative time, improves accuracy, and ensures timely payments. Caregivers can easily track and upload timesheets and expenses, while managers maintain up-to-date pricing and financial records effortlessly. These features free your team to focus on providing excellent care.

Streamline NDIS Claims for Faster Payouts 

Filing claims for each service can be fiddly work. The NDIA is understandably a stickler for correct invoices, and errors in item codes or service dates will lead to rejected claims. 

As an NDIS plan manager, you submit a huge number of claims every month. One error or rejected claim can slow down payments, frustrate providers and participants alike and cause extra work for you.

NDIS software will help by significantly cut down on the risk of errors. Invoices can be automatically generated based on schedules and service details that align with the NDIS price guide. 

A single invoice file can also be created, enabling you to claim in bulk and dramatically decrease your workload. In fact, our users report reducing their invoice processing time by up to 90% with the in-built bulk claims feature.

Track Multiple Participants, Supports and Providers 

Whether you work with thousands of participants or just a few dozen, there’s a lot for you to keep track of. Each participant may require multiple services from varying providers, and you need to stay on top of each relationship, invoice and payment.

With the right software, however, you’ll be able to automate much of the process. Auto-generated reminders will let you know when contracts are up for renewal, while many programs will handle invoicing and claims.

You’ll also have a better overview of the services the client is receiving. Each software is different, but as an example, with ShiftCare’s calendar view, you can toggle between participant and support worker views. What’s more, support can be split between different NDIS support types and even allocated to different funds.

In this way, you can access the information you need, whether you’re checking all of a client’s supports are scheduled or honing in on individual providers to double-check invoices.

Quickly Generate Accurate Reports

Providing a monthly spending report for each participant you work with can leave you feeling like you spend more time doing paperwork than actually facilitating support. NDIS software, however, can make the process much simpler.

For a start, you’ll have access to all the data you need in one place. Funds usage and forecasts, invoice dates, payment confirmation: you can pull all this from one program to build your reports.

Your software may also offer auto-generated reports that you can share directly with the client, cutting your report-building time down to seconds per participant. For example, ShiftCare’s receivables report has a client-friendly version designed to be sent to participants to demonstrate the supports received and their costs. You can also access billables and payments reports, as well as creating an aggregate report that only includes the details you want to share.

Improve Communication 

You’re obligated to provide monthly reports and give funds over- and underspending warnings to clients, but participant and support provider communication doesn’t end there.

You’ll also spend your time answering participant queries and resolving issues with the supports they receive, contacting providers to confirm contracts and facilitate payments and more.

With some NDIS software, you can share information with participants and providers via the program. For example, ShiftCare allows progress notes to be shared with multiple people, and additional supports can also be requested by clients and their loved ones via the ShiftCare Connect portal.

NDIS Plan Management Software: A Handy Tool to Simplify Your Work

From funds management and payments to reports and updates, the right NDIS software will streamline your processes. In doing so, it will cut down on the risk of human error and free up valuable time in your workday so you can focus on better supporting participants.

Not all NDIS software has the same features. At a minimum, you want your software to have funds tracking and automated invoices. In-program communication, scheduling and alerts are also helpful. 

At ShiftCare, we know the importance of getting the right software, so that’s why we always let you try our NDIS software for free. Sign up for a trial today to discover how it can support your business.

How does software for NDIS plan managers improve financial tracking and reporting?

Software for NDIS plan managers streamlines financial tracking by automating invoicing, expense management, and budgeting. It provides real-time financial reports, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information. This reduces manual errors and saves time, allowing plan managers to focus on delivering quality support to clients.

How can software help in managing client information and communication?

NDIS plan management software centralizes client information, making it easily accessible and manageable. It includes features for secure communication, progress tracking, and documentation, ensuring all client interactions and data are well-organised and compliant with NDIS standards.

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